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      当前,我国民法典的制定工作正如火如荼地进行着,法学者们也正承担着拟订民法典的艰巨任务。 “他山之石,可以攻玉”,关注《欧洲民法典》的进展,了解学者们在其中的重大作为,总结成功经验,这些工作的意义正在于此。

[1] 其中影响较大的是1981年德国比较法学家海因•克茨发表的《共同欧洲私法》。

[2] Mathias Reimann, “The Progress and Failure of Comparative Law in the Second Half of the Twentieth Century”,vol.50, The American Journal of Comparative Law(2002),p.691.

[3] Markku Kiikeri,Comparative Legal Reasoning and European Law, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2001, p.15.

[4] [日]大木雅夫:《比较法》,范愉译,法律出版社1999年版,第9-13页。

[5] Anne Peter & Heiner Schwenke, “Comparative Law Beyond Post-Modernist”, vol.49, International and Comparative Law Quarterly(2000), p.803.

[6] K.Zweigert & H.Kötz, An Introduction to Comparative Law(third edition), translated by Tony Weir, Clarendon Press, Oxfood, 1998, Preface to the Third Edition.

[7] 辅助条款规定在《阿姆斯特丹条约》的第5条(原条约的第3b条),共三小节: “ 本共同体应当在条约授予它的权限范围内以及赋予它的目标范围内活动; 在不属于共同体专有的权限范围内,共同体可以根据辅助原则,仅仅并且在这样的范围内采取行动,即准备行动的目的不能由成员国充分地实现,并且根据准备行动的范围和影响,可以由共同体更好地实现;共同体的任何行动都不应当超过实现条约的目标所需要的范围。”参见Denis J.Edwards, “Fearing Federalism’s Failure: Subsidiarity in the European Union”, vol.44, The American Journal of Comparative Law(1996), pp.543-544.

[8] David S. Clark, “Centennial World Congress on Comparative Law: Nothing New in 2000?Comparative Law in 1900 and Today”, vol.75, Tulane Law Review(2001), pp.896-897.

[9] David S. Clark, “Centennial World Congress on Comparative Law: Nothing New in 2000?Comparative Law in 1900 and Today”, vol.75, Tulane Law Review(2001), p.897.

[10] David S. Clark, “Centennial World Congress on Comparative Law: Nothing New in 2000?Comparative Law in 1900 and Today”, vol.75, Tulane Law Review(2001), p.897.

[11] OJ 1985 L 210/29.

[12] OJ 1993 L 95/29.

[13] David S. Clark, “Centennial World Congress on Comparative Law: Nothing New in 2000?Comparative Law in 1900 and Today”, vol.75, Tulane Law Review(2001), p.898.

[14] David S. Clark, “Centennial World Congress on Comparative Law: Nothing New in 2000?Comparative Law in 1900 and Today”, vol.75, Tulane Law Review(2001), p.899.

[15] David S. Clark, “Centennial World Congress on Comparative Law: Nothing New in 2000?Comparative Law in 1900 and Today”, vol.75, Tulane Law Review(2001), p.899.

[16] K.Zweigert & H.Kötz, An Introduction to Comparative Law(third edition), translated by Tony Weir, Clarendon Press, Oxfood, 1998, p.28.

[17] Hein Kötz, “Comparative Law in Germany Today”, Revue Internationale de Droit Comparé(4-1999),p.765.

[18] David S. Clark, “Centennial World Congress on Comparative Law:Nothing New in 2000?Comparative Law in 1900 and Today”, vol.75, Tulane Law Review(2001),p.898.

[19] K.Zweigert & H.Kötz, An Introduction to Comparative Law(third edition), translated by Tony Weir, Clarendon Press, Oxfood, 1998, p.28.

[20] 关于这一主题的文章很多,主要有科莱默(Kramer)的《欧洲的私法统一》(1988),瑞密恩(Remien)的《一个欧洲私法的开端?》(1988)和《欧洲私法的幻想与现实性》(1992),科英(Coing)的《欧洲的法律科学研究》(1990),寇波曼司(Coopmans)的《走向一个新的“共同法”》(1992),克茨的《为了欧洲的共同私法》(1992),穆勒-格瑞夫的《欧共体与私法》(1993)等等。参见K.Zweigert & H.Kötz, An Introduction to Comparative Law(third edition), translated by Tony Weir, Clarendon Press, Oxfood, 1998, p.30.

[21] Hein Kötz, “Comparative Law in Germany Today”, Revue Internationale de Droit Comparé (4-1999),p.766.

[22] David S. Clark, “Centennial World Congress on Comparative Law: Nothing New in 2000?Comparative Law in 1900 and Today”, vol.75, Tulane Law Review(2001), p.900.

[23] David S. Clark, “Centennial World Congress on Comparative Law: Nothing New in 2000?Comparative Law in 1900 and Today”, vol.75, Tulane Law Review(2001), p.900.

[24] David S. Clark, “Centennial World Congress on Comparative Law: Nothing New in 2000?Comparative Law in 1900 and Today”, vol.75, Tulane Law Review(2001), p.901.

[25] Pierre Legrand, “European Legal Systems Are Not Converging”, vol.45, International and Comparative Law Quarterly (1996), pp.52-63.

[26] Pierre Legrand, “Against a European Civil Code”, vol.60, Modern Law Review(1997), pp.58-60.

[27] Pierre Legrand, “European Legal Systems Are Not Converging”, vol.45, International and Comparative Law Quarterly (1996), p.81.

[28] David S. Clark, “Centennial World Congress on Comparative Law: Nothing New in 2000?Comparative Law in 1900 and Today”, vol.75, Tulane Law Review(2001),p.902.

[29] 4种法系指的是英美法系、罗马法系、德意志法系和北欧法系。

[30] David S. Clark, “Centennial World Congress on Comparative Law:Nothing New in 2000?Comparative Law in 1900 and Today”, vol.75, Tulane Law Review(2001),pp.901-902.

[31] David S. Clark, “Centennial World Congress on Comparative Law:Nothing New in 2000?Comparative Law in 1900 and Today”, vol.75, Tulane Law Review(2001),pp.902.

[32] Hein Kötz, “Comparative Law in Germany Today”, Revue Internationale de Droit Comparé (4-1999),p.766.

[33] David S. Clark, “Centennial World Congress on Comparative Law:Nothing New in 2000?Comparative Law in 1900 and Today”, vol.75, Tulane Law Review(2001),p.905.

[34] David S. Clark, “Centennial World Congress on Comparative Law:Nothing New in 2000?Comparative Law in 1900 and Today”, vol.75, Tulane Law Review(2001),p.905-906.

[35] David S. Clark, “Centennial World Congress on Comparative Law:Nothing New in 2000?Comparative Law in 1900 and Today”, vol.75, Tulane Law Review(2001),p.906.

[36] David S. Clark, “Centennial World Congress on Comparative Law:Nothing New in 2000?Comparative Law in 1900 and Today”, vol.75, Tulane Law Review(2001),p.906.

[37] David S. Clark, “Centennial World Congress on Comparative Law:Nothing New in 2000?Comparative Law in 1900 and Today”, vol.75, Tulane Law Review(2001),p.907.

[38] David S. Clark, “Centennial World Congress on Comparative Law:Nothing New in 2000?Comparative Law in 1900 and Today”, vol.75, Tulane Law Review(2001),p.907-908.

[39] David S. Clark, “Centennial World Congress on Comparative Law:Nothing New in 2000?Comparative Law in 1900 and Today”, vol.75, Tulane Law Review(2001),p.909.

[40] K.Zweigert & H.Kötz, An Introduction to Comparative Law(third edition),translated by Tony Weir, Clarendon Press, Oxfood, 1998, pp28-30.

[41] 他们的研究特点是注重考察法律的效果、功能,也即“行动中的法”,而不是法律的表面形式——“纸面上的法”。

[42] David S. Clark, “Centennial World Congress on Comparative Law: Nothing New in 2000?Comparative Law in 1900 and Today”, vol.75, Tulane Law Review(2001),p.909.

[43] Hein Kötz, “Comparative Law in Germany Today”, Revue Internationale de Droit Comparé (4-1999),p.767.

[44] David S. Clark, “Centennial World Congress on Comparative Law: Nothing New in 2000?Comparative Law in 1900 and Today”, vol.75, Tulane Law Review(2001),p.910.

[45] 巴尔在文中解释说,“共同欧洲思维方式是指:(1)特别强调已经存在的共同点;(2)去理解相邻法律制度发展对一国法律制度形成的影响;(3)追踪历史的偶然性和荒谬以发现一国法律制度的棱角,并在不损害内容的前提下,在欧洲统一进程的框架内磨平它们。”参见[德]克雷斯蒂安•冯•巴尔:《欧洲比较侵权行为法》(上卷),张新宝译,法律出版社2001年版,《德文版序》。

[46] [德]克雷斯蒂安•冯•巴尔:《欧洲比较侵权行为法》(上卷),张新宝译,法律出版社2001年版,《德文版序》。

[47] Hein Kötz, “Comparative Law in Germany Today”, Revue Internationale de Droit Comparé (4-1999),p.766.

[48] Reinhard Zimmermann, “Savigny’s Legacy: Legal History, Comparative Law, and the Emergence of a European Legal Science”, vol.112, The Law Quarterly Review(1996).

[49] Mathias Reimann, “The Progress and Failure of Comparative Law in the Second Half of the Twentieth Century”, vol.50, The American Journal of Comparative Law(2002),p.695.

[50] Report on the approximation of the civil and commercial law of the Member States(COM(2001) 398-C5-0471/2001-2001/2187(COS)).



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